Tuesday 10 February 2009

I finally got something done. A little bit strange, almost creepy but I like it. I think the black and white ones toy with the issue of exposure quite well. Spot lights, masks and movement. I like them quite flat and grey.

The colour one is two negatives over laid. Im not that keen but it took so long to get the colour casts and exposure reasonable that I'm not going to leave it out. I think it look a bit cheesy but it was just an experiment. 

Thursday 5 February 2009

Everything I do for this project seems to be going wrong lately. Hopefully have some more stuff to upload tomorrow. 

I have been looking at Sarah Moon's fashion photography but her pictures cross over into a mix of fine art and conceptual. Her style is unconventional, without of focus, dark tones and double exposures but I love the way it evokes more of a response from the viewer through the fact it does not explain its self. I have really been thinking about this when shooting but now the developing isn't going so well...

I will keep going with it and hopefully have some prints to show in a weeks time.

Monday 2 February 2009

Self Portrait.2

I made this image over the weekend and although I was just messing around at the time I actually like how it places me both outside and inside the camera. The lens being in the foreground with my face in shadow and mostly out of the frame made me think about how I often wish the images I take would speak for them selves and need no explanation. I often find explaining uncomfortably revealing yet I do think that the vast majority of images benefit from the aid of linguistic expression.

I do hide behind a camera and I do try to hide behind my images despite the fact this is undoing my self as if my images reveal nothing about me there seems little point in taking them.

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Self Portrait

Heavy shadows conceal the eyes. The image seems to lack conviction. It comes across as quite passive perhaps because its is out of focus but could also because it is without identity. It could also be read as quite sexualised. 
I went home again last weekend. I only stayed one night because I was heading up to Newcastle for my brothers birthday. I would have liked to stay longer.  My bedroom at university doesn't get much light.

My hand

It looks, to me, like the hand is being pulled in by lots of other hands. I made the photogram while I was waiting.

Thursday 22 January 2009

My window by night

This is the view from my window tonight. The car park is emptier than usual and until about 30 seconds ago there were no sirens. People have started going home for the weekend. I'm going tomorrow.

I like how the reflection fades into the building. You can see exactly what's in front of me, and behind.