Tuesday 10 February 2009

I finally got something done. A little bit strange, almost creepy but I like it. I think the black and white ones toy with the issue of exposure quite well. Spot lights, masks and movement. I like them quite flat and grey.

The colour one is two negatives over laid. Im not that keen but it took so long to get the colour casts and exposure reasonable that I'm not going to leave it out. I think it look a bit cheesy but it was just an experiment. 


  1. Hi Julia,
    Just wanted to say that I really love your photos/style. I wanted to mention that I particularly like the multiple-exposure image that you didnt include in your final pieces, but i didnt get a chance. Your photographs were my favorite out of everyones today :)


  2. Ah thanks, Yeah i'm a little apprihensive about Jed...Not sure what that will be like. I just hate not having a lot of time to do the projects becasue I take forever and a day to come up with an idea and put it into practice.
    Thanks for the mention of that artist too, i'll definitely look him up!

