Thursday 22 January 2009

My window by night

This is the view from my window tonight. The car park is emptier than usual and until about 30 seconds ago there were no sirens. People have started going home for the weekend. I'm going tomorrow.

I like how the reflection fades into the building. You can see exactly what's in front of me, and behind.


  1. Julia
    I love the ideas, especially the concept of "If there is one thing we cannot detach our selves from it is ourselves". It is also interesting that you link this with the exposure of the new, then show images of returning to home. Something intriguing is coming together here. Linda

  2. Hello Blog Buddy

    Im well impressed with your photos, this one especially. I like the way the big black section devides the cold damp outside from the inside while both parts flow into each other.

    You talk about being exposed by coming to uni these photos give me the impression that your scared by that, your always looking out onto quite a dark scary world, yet in this last one you have your room there as a kind of comfort zone.
    Another one that I think could work really well is the car mirror one, it uses the same idea of reflection as this one but without the darkness which i think it needs, maybe if you were in the drivers position this would show the kind of control and independence that comes with your exposure, expelling the idea of the darkness being any reason for alarm.
    Hope some of thats helpful, see you soon.

  3. What do think the concept of this project is now - I agree with Linda is that there is a really good project perhaps we could see some more pictures?

